KALAMKARI-" The untold stories behind the traditional art of Kalamkari"

 KALAMKARI :(Andra Pradesh and Telangana)

    Kalamkari originated from the state Andhra Pradesh and Telangana several years ago. This was the first ever portal scenes from sacred texts such as Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagavatam. 


  There are two types of Kalamkari paintings:

. Srikala Hasti (freehand drawing style)

. Machilipatnam (block-painting technique)

How to are they painted and printed?

  The process of creating a Kalamkari painting is as elaborate as the delicate and detailed designs — there are 23 meticulous steps that include bleaching, softening and sun drying the fabric; preparing and mixing natural pigments; applying each color individually; and rinsing the fabric between every color application. Kalamkari use only natural pigment to paint till now.

After tracing the central figure with charcoal sticks, the artist uses a finely pointed kalam, or a bamboo pen, dipped in the black Kasima liquid. The kalam is wrapped in wool that holds the liquid, and the artist squeezes this wool to release the ink while painting. After the black outline has dried, the artist can apply a mordant with alum and begin introducing red color to the cloth.

    There by the use as saree materials, wall work and as decorative frames. To inculcate our traditional artwork government had initiated in schoolbooks so they students may also let to know about them and gives a colourful looks.
                                my work on Kalamkari art.

As, we had discussed about different and varies Art Forms. How can be prevented   by maintain its cultural heritage and how are our traditional are improvised in this present modern era. I wish, hope you all would be enjoying this blog.



I st B.Sc.. Mathematics


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